
Saturday, December 29, 2007

So what and now what?

What to do with a blog that is all about infertility when I have come out the other side and have a baby? Not one of my body but of my heart? Do I write about every little smile, fart and sleep more than 3 hours? Do I tell you that my life is so full I cannot believe I ever lived without her? Or is that trite, boring, not cynical enough?

I will tell you that my fertility issue is an annoying relative that I am so glad is gone. I tell J that he gets a MILF who will never have saggy boobs or stretch marks (though of course anyone who has those needs to bear them as the beautiful marks they are of what they got to experience, that I never will).

I feel happy that I have let go of my fertility and am finally (mostly) at peace with never being pregnant again. Staying pregnant again? Whatever it is, I am glad to see the back of it.

This month, for the first time since May 2006, I was happy to see my period. Really happy.

Am I cured? No. Am I at rest now? Yes.

So what do you all think?

Turn this into a book?

Stop writing?

Start a new blog somewhere about the trials and tribulations of a working mom?

Turn this into an adoption blog to help people understand my experience and, more importantly, help ME understand this experience?

What say you?


Blogger Rob said...

Personally, I'd hang on to this space. C may want to see it when she's older, and you may want a space to jot down your thoughts as parent therapy. Also, I'm certain that your frank demeanor combined with your HILARIOIUS sense of humor have been extremely helpful to many others in the same boat. Finally, the selfish side of me enjoys keeping in touch with this part of your life on a regular basis.

I'm probably going to turn my doctoral student/dissertation blog into a house renovation blog (yawn) when and if I never finish. I've never been good about keeping my own personal journal; knowing others may read it inspires me to write in complete sentences. LOL. I'll still write down thoughts about parenting a special-needs-child when I need the therapy, and perhaps other stuff here and there about higher ed research and "explorin' mah tahp." :-)

Just my two cents. Am really happy for you that you're physically, mentally, and emotionally able to move onward!

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should keep it up. There are lots of people who care about you who want to keep reading about what you and J and C are up to, and how you negotiate the next phase of your life. You're a damn fine and funny writer, too, and I love hearing your voice in my head as I read.

Whatever you decide to do with your space on the web, DON'T GO AWAY!!!!!

2:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too believe you should keep your blogspot open, and I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts about little C & all that you are blessed to experience since she has come into your lives. As IdahoSpud said -you are a wonderful writer with a funny sense of humor..which we all love! Keep it up, PLEASE!
Happy New Year, R!!

5:12 PM  

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