
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Off on vaca...

Well deserved, too.

We are going to LA for 12 days - some time to spend with family celebrating M & Ds 40th wedding anniversary (AMAZING and so cool. They are a great model for a happy marriage) then to Palm Springs to reunite with some college friends. I am really excited.

Went to Sirens tonight and it was so fun. So much lighter and happier than I expected to be. I laughed a lot and we sang nice and I thanked them for their love and support and then cried. Ok, I am not quite 100% yet.

Again - TMI but this evening before Sirens I passed what can only be described as the blood clot that ate Texas - I thought I was done, things were leveling off, and boom, this happens. It was literally so large I felt sick like when I passed the embryo, and called J to see if we needed to call Dr S as I thought my uterus had just come out. I actually am not even sure what it was, and if the Dr hadn't assured me on Tuesday that the, ahem, material was already gone I would've thought that was it. I have never experienced anything like that, and hope never to again.

After that the cramping I had been having died off and I felt, somehow, lighter. I think it was just progesterone-enhanced lining but dammmmn this made me even more sure that I wanted to cull the Progesterone next time - just do shots. No one, hell, no 10 people, need this much lining.

Anyway, back to table talk, as my folks would say.

So I am outta here for two weeks. I may write if I can but if I can't I promise to keep writing when I get back. I am not sure if anyone is reading but the act of putting it all out on paper (computer?) is really therapeutic for me.

Have a great fortnight (for my British friends).


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